Study In Ireland

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About Ireland

Check out what the effects of how study in Ireland for Indian students are going to be like.

Ireland has one of the best education systems in the world and there are numerous reasons to study here. Schools and Universities are worldwide connected and graduates of Irish education institutions have access to opportunity in numerous different careers over the globe.

The island of Ireland is off the northwest of Europe, and west of Britain. It’s the mainland’s second largest island after Great Britain. And it’s known for its beautiful green country, fascinating history and friendly people.

Quick facts

Currency and Flag of Ireland


  • Ireland is ranked encyclopedically 13th in the World Happiness Index for 2021. 
  • Ireland is the 124th most vibrant country in the world.


  • Ireland is known as the Emerald Isle because of its lush vegetation and rolling hills. The longest place name in Ireland is Muckanaghederdauhaulia in city Galway.


  • Irish people don’t use the words yes and no when they’re asked a question. They use verbs instead. There’s no exact English restatement, but it roughly means “delicious” or entertainment. For illustration, “What’s the craic?” means “What’s passing?” or “How are you?” 
  • A lot of people in Ireland speak a shoptalk of English, but numerous families who have lived there for generations understand and speak Irish.
Irish pub | Study in Ireland
Closeup hands of girl plays on a Celtic harp by the sea at sunset


  • Numerous Irish people believe in the actuality of small magical characters called goblins and brownies. Brownies are especially popular as they’re allowed to have magical powers and bring happiness and luck to families.
  • Ireland is the only country that has a musical instrument as its public symbol. The harp is set up on Irish euro coins, passports, and government documents.
  • Ireland is known worldwide for its major castles, which were erected over many centuries to cover against raiders. You can still visit numerous of them at this moment.


The standard of education in Ireland is among the world’s top, with seven top-rank Universities. The reason why many prefer to Study in Ireland for Indian students is that it helps them to focus on exploration and global collaboration.

People and culture

The Irish are proud of their country and their culture, and they’re happy to share it with you. Although it’s a fairly small country ( with a population of around five million), more than 55 million people around the world claim to have Irish heritage. So if you’ve lived in Ireland, you’ll have friends across the globe.


Ireland is a safe and tolerant place to live and ranks constantly in the world’s top 20 countries for quality of life, peace, and human development. It’s also a youthful country, with a third of the population under 25 years old. Study in Ireland, and you’ll join more than 20,000 students from 161 countries who love where they live.


Major cities are lower and easier to get around in than other large cities in the world, yet they’re vibrant and culturally sophisticated. Another factor of study in Ireland for Indian students is that it fosters them in making the right career choices.

City life

Dublin, Ireland’s capital, is the country’s biggest metropolis. It is well known for being a welcoming place for students and has four Universities as well as other institutions.

Why study in Ireland

Growing economy

The Irish economy is one of the fastest growing in the Eurozone and the 7th most competitive in the world. It’s an entrepreneurial country with global connections.

Quality education

Ireland’s education system is one the best you’ll find. Universities in Ireland rank in the top 4% worldwide and graduates from Irish Universities are known to employers the world over.

Explore opportunities

Irish Universities are in the top 1% of exploration institutions in the world. Some of the world’s biggest and top companies have crucial strategic exploration facilities here, and international students can join exploration programmes that are driving invention and changing lives worldwide.

Stay back visas

Ireland’s government offers a one-year stay-back visa for bachelor’s degree graduates and up to two years for master’s degree graduates. Many international students stay in Ireland after completing their studies and start their careers here.

Career opportunities

Ireland’s Universities are in the top 1% of research institutions worldwide. Some of the world’s biggest and best companies have crucial strategic exploration facilities here. With study in Ireland for Indian students, they can join research programmes driving invention and changing lives worldwide.

English language

English is the main language spoken and the global language of business, & technology . Knowing how to read and write in English increases your marketability and gives you a big advantage if you’re aiming for a job in an international company or an English-speaking country.

Close to Europe

Ireland is close to major European centrals and just a short flight down, so you can fluently explore the rest of Europe while you ’re then.

History and culture

Ireland is full of galleries, edifices, premises and monuments and is notorious for its donation to trades, literature, film and music.

Top Five Universities in Ireland

Want to study at one of the top Universities in Ireland? Data collected by the Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings 2019 presents the top five Universities in the Republic of Ireland.

University College Cork

Study at Ireland’s first five-star University, and you’ll be involved in innovative interdisciplinary exploration as well as work-grounded clinical and transnational placements.

University College Dublin (UCD)

UCD is ranked within the top 1 percent of advanced education institutions worldwide. Learn from internationally connected experts inside UCD’s award-winning student installations. Study at UCD.

National University of Ireland, Galway

Called ‘ the most fascinating megacity ’ by the New York Times, NUI Galway’s transnational character and unique programmes gauge the creative trades in medical technology.

Royal College of Surgeons In Ireland

Ireland’s only specialist health sciences advanced education institution, RCSI is home to Ireland’s largest medical academy as well as encyclopedically recognised health interpreters.

Trinity College Dublin

Looking for the Irish interpretation of University of Cambridge or University of Oxford? Study an exploration-led class tutored by world-class academics in the heart of Dublin.

the trinity college campus, Dublin
(Trinity College Dublin)

Intakes – Important dates



Autumn Intake
September – October
Spring Intake
January – February

NOTE:- The majority of the Irish universities start with their courses in Autumn Intake. The courses offered at the Irish Universities during the Spring intake is fewer as compared to the Autumn Intake.

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