career counselling for graduates

Key Challenges Faced by UG/PG Students: Leveraging Career Counselling for Solutions

Are you seeking career counselling for graduates who will guide you in choosing the right university and program?

What is the stress of choosing which undergraduate program to choose?
Whether to continue a master’s or look for a job?

Many students go through these situations, and it doesn’t make it any easier. With so much mind and inbuilt pressure, career counselling for graduates acts as a helping advisor in which you understand yourself better and your career choices.

Freedom to make their own decisions, freedom from parents’ constant badgering, and freedom to live life the way they want. But they forget that freedom comes with responsibility.

And without realising, they subconsciously enter into misery and get deflected from their career path. Thus, choosing career counselling for graduates is a life-saviour.

Future uncertainty

There is always uncertainty about the future, as there is a lot at stake. The faith to give all of it can either result in having it all or losing it all. But one has to take risks to achieve big in life. But this belief needs to be endured and embraced with timely support and guidance.

Job search

Searching for a job suitable to one’s qualifications and skills is one of the most difficult tasks. That is why there are many graduates and postgraduates who are underemployed; neither have their skills been appreciated nor their talents.

Career options

Multiple career options can confuse students about what to opt for. Career counselling for graduates and individuals can help them figure out what’s best for them and which career holds their interest and suits their aptitude and personality.

The feeling of being detached from family members

During graduation, there is a sense of detachment from the family members. Most of the time, it’s because, for higher studies, one has to relocate. Other than that, it’s because one feels that one’s emotions would not be understood and appreciated enough. Thus, career counselling for graduates with certified professional help in understanding the psychological insights of the individual.

Career switch

Students switch to different career lines either after 12th like going from science to arts, or after graduation, such as from engineering, MBBS to civil services. These dilemmas have to be addressed carefully to get what you really want in life.

Getting influenced easily

At a young age, students are most vulnerable to influences. This gives way to bad decisions, bad habits and bad company, ultimately leading to a poor lifestyle with no proper career.

Fail or supplement

Students sometimes fail in college since they are on their own and their parents are not there to point them in the right direction. The back in graduation hinders the career prospects and results in the wastefulness of crucial years.

No knowledge of the interview process

Interview preparation is one of the most challenging aspects of career pursuance. Right interview guidance is needed to reap the benefits of all their hard work and hardships in the end. Practice interviews help students to get the right perspective about dealing with the interviewer and help to imbibe confidence in them.

Financial stress

After 18 years of age, many students don’t get the privilege of attaining higher education. They either have to serve their family or make ends meet by themselves. This constrains their choices in choosing the right career for them or their dream occupation.

Therefore, our career counselling for graduates by First Edu India will help you find the right track in your career path. It will give reliable and effective information about your personality, aptitude and interests, thus providing a holistic approach that will resolve the majority of your queries related to your career.


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