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How to Manage Stress and Anxiety in 11th-12th grade? (Free Career Counselling Test)

A free career counselling test is much needed for students in higher education. 

11th and 12th grades are those standards when students are under much pressure to perform best as they believe that if they spoil this chance, they will not be able to become anything. 



Societal norms embed this thought in children right from childhood. Free career counselling test aids in breaking this myth and such social dogmas, letting students lose the imagination of where they can fly up with their dreams as high as possible. 




To manage stress and anxiety, students sometimes bend towards wrong influences by which they develop bad habits. For instance, students start smoking easily accessible cigarettes to pacify their running senses. They take pills to enhance their brain performance or improve their memory, which later takes a toll on their lives.

They develop relationships in the hope of some amelioration in stressful situations. First Edu India’s free counselling test provides a kind of shield and protection from such miserable circumstances, thus simultaneously addressing parents’ concerns.


Reasons for Anxiety and Stress –


  • Poor academic grades
  • Pressure from Parents’ expectations
  • Relationship turmoil
  • Lack of emotional intelligence
  • Financial issues

How a Free Career Counselling Test Help in Managing Stress and Anxiety

A half-hour walk in nature can do wonders for one’s mental health. It rejuvenates the individual and thus increases the productivity of the students. It refreshes the mood and helps release good hormones for sound mental health.

Practising mindfulness helps individuals to get control over their unstable minds. It helps to observe one’s thoughts and train one’s mind to think in the right direction. Meditation helps to master the right ideas, thus developing a strong personality.

Writing a diary or journal for the day helps manage one’s emotions and improve one’s skills. It helps to release the exciting energy wave and calm one’s nerves.

When 11th and 12th graders are experiencing stress because of exam pressure, talking to one’s loved ones will help handle such situations with ease. They provide comfort, and their trust helps to regain one’s confidence.

Nature is a natural healer of the mind. The freshness it provides to the soul is unparalleled. The greenery rejoices in the students’ brains, and the silence of nature reverberates through the whole body. All this is a facilitator to keep all stress and tension at bay.

Family is something on which one can always rely. They are the pillar of students’ lives. They make provision for every small and big thing so that the students only focus on their career goals. When apprehension surrounds the students, they should spend time with their families because that will give them the desired strength and warmth, pushing them through demanding times.

Exercise and yoga are time-tested means for a peaceful mind. They boost the entire day by releasing positive energy in our body and mind. One feels energetic all day and has a positive outlook toward distressing situations. It helps to get away with unnecessary agitation, stopping all the sufferings of the mind.

Emotional intelligence is the most critical life skill to survive the mounting challenges and achieve big. It is the art of understanding and managing emotions while empathising with others. Having emotional intelligence builds better relationships, resolving conflicts, and leading a more fulfilling life.

In between, small breaks help the mind to recuperate and be more productive. Being efficient is more important than stretching unfruitful long hours of study. It only chokes students mentally and results in burnout without reaping the benefits of the complex, enduring work.

Having the right mindset towards life makes all the difference. If one understands life, one can manoeuvre obstacles as merely climbing the ladder to larger goals. It can help endure the testing environment with vigour. 

People with wrong attitudes treat scores, exams and other hindrances as larger than life, thus throwing themselves into misery and handicapping their minds for life.

More About Free Career Counselling Test

First Edu India provides a superior free career counselling test, which includes assistance in knowing one’s skills and other personality traits. It ultimately aids in handling such stress and anxiety with a pragmatic outlook. 


One-on-one mentoring focuses on ingraining a constructive approach to tackling life’s problems in students’ minds by providing personalised insights into their persona.

Career counselling test

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