Confused about your ​Study Abroad?

Need clarification on which path to choose

Free Visit for Counselling and Psychometric Testing at FEIL Campus and get clear prospects about your future!
a girl planning to study abroad

Note: Complimentary pickup service is available to all students in the Delhi NCR region who wish to attend our free counselling session.

Free Visit

FEIL is offering a free visit to all young aspirants who are looking to chase their dreams. It will reflect and benefit you in the long run.

Students will explore their thoughts, actions, interests, and passion.
Connect with professional counsellors and ask questions about your career.
Discover a range of activities that enhances your skill and value.
SAT exam prep discussion
9th & 10th Grade

Whether you are in 9th-10th grade, 11th-12th grade, or undergraduate, the phase of selecting the right stream, course, or professional growth is always challenging for students.

But, with counselling and a psychometric evaluation test, you can rediscover your passion.

So, if any doubt, take a free visit to the FEIL campus and get career advice from our top counsellors.